Do not buy or invest in real estate to the address Tbilisi embankment of the river Kura 4-6 (cad / code former restaurant "Sukhumi") the land belongs to the recreational area of RZ-2 where construction is prohibited. Any attempt to change the zone, or take a special permit to be challenged in the courts. Property was taken away especially close to SaakashvilisSukhumi and Ochamchira rats. Property, to hide the track each week reissued on the new "owner". The Israili and Georgian law enforcement agencies conducted an investigation into the fraud and money movables Warn !: not mess with these crooks, otherwise will get in this list:
N - Sh - lost his business, property
G -G - - e lost post, deprived assets planted parliamentary mandate
G- K - burned alive.
L- Ch - e fraud charges, wanted, most likely no longer alive knew very much about the exploits of these rats.
G -D - - e dirty "hen"
E - K - drowned in debt, on the run in Russia
B-Kr - in a criminal case for fraud in Israel
G-G - and a criminal case on charges of fraud .