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Classified GEO1211718



December 25, 2019
Jobs > Job Offers
We are looking for an interpreter from Chinese-English languages, that can provides accurate translations, free of errors in grammar, spelling or content. The translator will be in charge of meeting clients in airport, see off to hotel, IVF clinic, travelling in Tbilisi or around, translating medical reports, IVF contracts, legal documentation, translation during doctor visitation etc.
An understanding of medical terminology is helpful. You must be able to accurately translate medical terms. Extreme rush translation requests can be within an hour up to 24 hours, you should try to be online every time to help clients to solve problems during staying in Tbilisi, should be available to work additional hours as needed.
  • Education : Bac + 2 DEUG, BTS, DUT
  • Experience : 3 years - 5 years
  • Industry : Health / Medical Occupations
  • Position : Translator
  • Mobility : Regional
  • Contract : Mix
  • Availability : Full Time


English Fluent
Chinese Fluent
Georgian Fluent